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Slow Roll Wednesday

Our goal is to get as many people out on bicycles as possible!  According to my studies, riding with a group to get ice cream at then end is THE BEST way to get people out!*During this summer, we have had groups as large as 40 participants. There are so many things that you can see when riding your bike that you miss when you are riding in the car. We are quickly approaching the Winter months and I just want to remind you that not all winter days are too cold or too snowy to ride your bike. So don't retire your bike to your garage ceiling just yet! Ride your bike to school with your kids, ride to the local library, or to get a quick bite to eat. Our little town is packed full of cool things to do and see. We have a few more weeks of Slow Roll Wednesday coming up so don't forget to join in on the fun and see how you can use our trails!



*Not a real study but a pretty good observation :)

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